Grab your camera or search your files! We are proud to present the TWS Manitoba Photo Contest.
This is a great opportunity to show off your photography skills and highlight the wildlife work that you’ve been involved with.
All photos must be from Manitoba locations only. Trail camera photos are eligible.
Contestants must be active members of The Wildlife Society Manitoba Chapter.
Only two (2) entries allowed per person. Categories include:
1. Focus on Flora - pictures of Manitoba flora species
2. Focus on Fauna - pictures of Manitoba fauna species
3. General Category - anything goes (within Manitoba)
4. Trail Camera - pictures from trail cameras (within Manitoba)
Winners from each category will win $50 and will be announced at the 2025 AGM.
By submitting your photo(s) to this contest, you provide TWS Manitoba with permission to use your photo(s) with a photo credit.
Submission deadline is Friday, March 7, 2025 @ 1159pm
E‐mail your photos to
Put “Photo Contest Submission” in the subject line.
Don’t forget to include your name, the title of your photo(s) and the category for each photo.
Check out the 2024 winners
Photo by: Chantal Maclean
Photo by: Audrey Moizan
Photo by: Marissa Berard