The Manitoba Chapter is looking for an individual to sit on the Province's Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund Committee.
" On March 1, 2014, The Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund (FWEF) was established under authority of The Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund Act (initially Bill 13, and now C.C.S.M. c. F87) and its regulation (57/2014). Ten dollars ($10) from every angling license sold will be directed into the Fish Enhancement Fund. Five dollars ($5) from every hunting and trapping license sold will be directed into the Wildlife Enhancement Fund.
The Wildlife Enhancement Subcommittee reviews and makes recommendations on all wildlife enhancement initiatives that seek funding and recommend initiatives to be funded.
A Wildlife Enhancement Initiative means:
- a project or program to conserve or increase wildlife populations:
- a project or program to protect, manage or restore wildlife habitats, including the construction or maintenance of infrastructure in wildlife management areas;
- a study of wildlife populations or habitats;
- hunter and trapper education programs; and
- the acquisition, by purchase, lease or other means, of property or an interest in property in order to protect a critical wildlife habitat"
More information on the Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund can be found at
This individual will preferably be a longstanding Chapter member (>5 years), have held position on the Chapter executive in the past, have a good understanding of the Chapter and TWS values, and support science based wildlife management and decision making. Preference will be given to female members, as the FWEF committee is actively trying to diversify its membership.
Anyone that is interested in nominating themselves for this role is asked to email by August 1st.