2025 Annual General Meeting
Conserving Wildlife Through Collaboration
When: Saturday, March 15th, 8:30am - 5:00pm
Where: Robert Schultz Lecture Theatre
172 St. John’s College, Winnipeg
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Registration for this year’s AGM is now OPEN!
Registration includes entry to the AGM, speakers, poster session, and lunch.
important dates
Feb 18 - nomination deadline to join the TWS Chapter Board
March 3 - deadline extended for abstract submissions!
Mar 7 - application deadline for all other Chapter Awards
Mar 7 - deadline to submit photos to this year’s photo contest
Mar 7 - last day for AGM registrations
Mar 10 - last day to cancel AGM registration
Mar 13 - last day for current TWS Manitoba Members to vote for the 2025/26 Chapter Board of Directors
(link to vote online will be emailed to all active chapter members)Mar 15 - TWS Manitoba 2024 Annual General Meeting
Call for Abstracts
This theme of this year’s event will focus on the “Conserving Wildlife Through Collaboration” and will feature a panel of speakers representing impactful wildlife organizations across Manitoba.
Presentations: Length - 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions and answers.
Deadline for submissions is Monday, February 24, 2025.
Note: Due to limited space for oral presentations, not all submissions will be accepted for oral presentations. We will notify applicants regarding the status of their submissions once we have reviewed all the abstracts by Monday, March 3, 2025. There will be plenty of space for posters and we will be offering a $50 cash prize for the Best Student Poster Award!
Photo Contest
Grab your camera or search your files!
You must be an active Chapter member to enter.
1. Focus on Flora - pictures of Manitoba flora species
2. Focus on Fauna - pictures of Manitoba fauna species
3. General Category - anything goes (within Manitoba)
4. Trail Camera Category - pictures of Manitoba wildlife
Category winners will win $50 & will be announced at the AGM.
Contest details & rules are on the website.
Contest deadline is Friday, March 7, 2025
Email to enter!
Awards – Student & Professional
We encourage you to review the awards offered through the Chapter. Your involvement in these awards will contribute to the recognition and celebration of outstanding contributions to wildlife research and conservation. Our awards include: Student Travel Award, Wildlife Student of the Year, Outstanding Manitoba Conservation Officer (or Unit), Early Career Professional Development Travel Grant, Lifetime Honorary Membership and the Conservation Award. Details on the criteria and application deadlines can be found on our website.
Application Deadlines: Friday, March 7, 2025
Executive Board Opportunity!
If you are interested in contributing to our leadership, we invite you to nominate yourself for an executive board position. Or if you feel that someone would be a good candidate, please encourage them to allow their name to stand.
The nomination deadline is Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
To facilitate the process, a Zoom session will be hosted by the current executive board before the nomination period closes. This session will allow interested individuals to ask questions and gain insights into the responsibilities of each executive board position. A date and time will be provided shortly, with free registration through our website. Detailed information about the roles and responsibilities of board positions can be found on our website.
Voting for the executive board is done electronically (you will be sent a link), with the voting period opening 20 days prior to the AGM, and the new slate of board members announced at the meeting. You must be a member in good standing in order to vote.